Professional Development


Coming Soon

"The WE-Suite"


Unpacking the stuff we don’t really talk about when it comes to leadership. What makes great leaders and terrible ones. The weakness of “ME cultures” and the magic of “WE cultures”. From work trauma and toxic teams to colleagues that become family and the power of collective genius.

Welcome to the “WE-Suite”.

Professional Development Topics

Partnering with leaders to identify strengths and weaknesses, assess leadership style, and form tactics to increase their proficiency. This will provide insights to leaders unconscious behavior, team dynamics, and furnish them with the means to motivate and drive ambition within their team. 

Crafting and executing a blueprint to achieve an organization’s long term objectives and goals. The blueprint will align with the organization’s mission, vision, and current client’s ambitions. Guidance and reinforcement will be provided throughout the implementation process to ensure blueprint success with maximum efficiency.

Developing positive and meaningful relationships between staff, management, customers, and clients.

Listen, watch, and take in the wisdom of Alvean through her live events and programming.

Leadership & Executive Coaching

Helping individuals in leadership positions improve their skills and effectiveness in leading teams and organizations.

Alvean strives to work on specific challenges, such as communication, decision-making, or time management, as well as broader leadership skills like strategic thinking and relationship-building. She wants to be an impartial sounding board, helping leaders gain new perspectives, and providing support and accountability to ensure they stay on track and reach their desired outcomes.



Strategic Planning Coaching

Directing individuals or organizations in developing and implementing a plan to achieve their long-term goals.

This type of coaching focuses on helping clients define their vision and create a roadmap to realize them. Alvean works with the client to assess their current situation, identify challenges and opportunities, and create a customized plan that considers the organization’s strengths, weaknesses, and resources.


Human Relations Coaching

Alvean is a professional who specializes in the study of interpersonal relationships and dynamics within organizations. 

 She registers her knowledge to improve communication, resolve conflicts, foster teamwork, and enhance overall workplace satisfaction and productivity.



Workshops, Seminars, & Media

